Welcome beautiful Soul,

At this very moment in time, you are apart of an extraordinary awakening process that is taking place on planet earth. Realise that you have come to remember who you are in this lifetime and to live a life beyond your wildest dreams.

About Me

My name is Paulina and I am an intuitive,  empath and wayshower. I am deeply committed to the journey of healing by continuously embarking on the path of inner transformation through awakening and so far, my own journey has been nothing less than profound.

Over 5 years ago, I embarked on my own healing and spiritual journey following a major emotional, physical, and mental breakdown that I experienced in my life. Following my own intuition, I journeyed to India where I immersed myself in the healing journey, medicine, and practices. I started to practice Kundalini Yoga and Vedic Meditation, but this was only the beginning for me. I began to develop a strong, daily practice that led me to experience the non-physical and spirit realms. From this experience, it led me to explore shamanic practices where I began to understand the laws of energy and spiritual discernment.

Through my own journey and experiences, I have reconnected to my Family of Light, The Pleiadians, who are here in service and support of all humanity.

For the past 15 months I lived and practiced at Uluru in the Northern Territory of Australia, which is a profound sacred site and a Portal of Light. Uluru is the Solar Plexus of Gaia, a Pleiadian power place that pulses with light and divine energy. It is here that I also lived and worked in the community with the Anangu people who are the oldest uninterrupted living culture on planet earth and the custodians of Uluru for over 60,000 years. I have the privilege of learning and translating the Pitjantjatjara language, Tjukurpa (Dreaming) and Anangu culture. This in turn strengthened my connection to this sacred land and spirit.

I am here to help raise the consciousness of planet earth through continuously working on myself and raising my own frequency. This is how I allow for the highest integrity as a guiding light, by creating the space within myself by healing first, and then taking the objective role of guide as my clients discover their destiny. By leading a soul-purposeful life, I know I inspire others to do the same and that is how we raise the frequency of planet Earth – together as One.

In my offerings I act as a channel for the divine Pleiadian Light to come through, bringing the energy of love, peace, harmony, and balance. Everything that we already are, it is simply – a remembering. I act as a bridge between two worlds, the modern and the traditional ways of understanding life values and spirituality. It is my pure privilege to help you awaken the truth of who you are and to guide you to activate your soul’s path and open the channels of your purpose here on planet earth. My passion lies within shadow work and spiritual alchemy of transformation. I am deeply drawn to helping those who are ready to dive deep into their own journey of healing, inner transformation and awakening through the practice of inner work.

On Earth as One