Importance of the daily practice

Daily practice allows us to sit down and create a space for ourselves in our busy lives. It is our opportunity for release, connection, and growth. It helps you to cultivate awareness of your emotions, thoughts, and energy every day. By using the breath as a portal between the spiritual and physical dimensions we bypass the ego-mind, so we can live our lives in a heart-centred state.

These practices are a combination of kriya, pranayama and mantra from the Himalayan Yog-Vedantic Tradition

What is Kriya?

Kriya is a specific technique or action designed to create a specific evolutionary response. Where karma is an action that creates bondage, kriya is an action that creates expansion and liberation.

What is Pranayama?

Prana means life force, and Yama means tuning. In yogic tradition, the doorway to this prana is through the breath. Without having access to this energy within your body, you cannot refine your nervous system and so fully understand the vitality and health that transcends body image.

The potential of prana is infinite but working with the breath is just the beginning of pranayama. It is the entry point to correcting your perception and refining your nervous system.

What is Mantra?

Man means heart and Tra means expansion. Mantra means working with the expansive energy of the electromagnetic field of the heart. Mantras are used as a tool for healing, expansion, and clearing, as a form of prayer and connection to your heart chakra.

Benefits of meditative daily practice will include but are not limited to:

  • Regulated nervous system
  • Balance of all energy bodies (mental, emotional, physical, spiritual)
  • Steady Breath and Energy regardless of life’s circumstances
  • Active Vagus Nerve
  • Improved function of the immune system
  • Stimulates the relaxation response almost immediately
  • Access to higher states of consciousness
  • Release stuck emotions
  • Improves heart rate variability
  • Connection to Your Life Force and Source.
  • Connection to your heart intelligence and intuition
  • Increases deeper state of shunya (silence) and transcendental state of consciousness.

Once you purchase these practices, you can download them for unlimited use. With video, you also get a pdf which is a written copy of the practices that you have learnt from the video. This allows you to understand the intention of each technique on a deeper level.

The intention of recorded practices is that become inspired by working with your breath and take this practice for 7, 11,21, 40 or 54 days of practice.

Please get in touch if you would like further support during your time with this practice.

If you are interested in a specifically designed practice that is created with your intention at heart and your unique soul blueprint you can find more information here


Meditative Breathwork (38min)



Cosmic Journey (coming soon)


Heart-Centred Journey (coming soon)