1:1 Sessions

21 Day Energy Alignment Practice

This is your opportunity to create time and space for yourself, to look within and create a road to self-mastery.
By mastering where you focus your attention, you master your life.

Energy exchange: from $555 AUD

This offering is a personalised 21 days Energetic Alignment Practice that is created specifically for you and is unique to your energy and soul blueprint. It is designed to awaken you to your inner wisdom and radiance.

What to expect ?

I will work with you to co-create a daily spiritual practice that will be specific to your intention and needs by intuitively channelling a practice that will be powerful and transformational for you. I may also be guided to work with your spirit guides to create the practice. This offering will ask you to be radically honest with yourself and to be in the practice of self-reflection and self-correction.

Generally, the practice will go for a duration of no less than 21 days and will comprise of a mixture of Kriya breathwork mantra, meditation, and Kundalini practices. The practice can be as long or as short as you like. Some people may only have 15 – 20 minutes to engage in a daily practice, however I can create one in that timeframe that is just as powerful as a 1 hour practice.

This offering consists of four sessions, and you will also receive:

  • A PDF of the practice that has been channelled specifically for you.
  • A video recording of your practice that you can go back and watch at any time.
  • On-going support throughout your practice by email and voicemail.

Initial Consultation (approx. 30 – 45mins):

We will meet to discuss your intention and needs for the practice as well as what you would like to achieve and a bit about your background. I will tell you a bit about myself and my background so we can work out whether we are a good fit for each other. If you decide to go ahead, I will then take around 3 – 5 Business Days to channel a practice that is specific for you.

Initiation (minimum 2.5 hours):

We will meet to open up the sacred space together and I will formally initiate you into the Energetic Alignment Practice. I will take you on a journey of your practice, explaining to you in detail what each component is, why it has been chosen and the benefits of each technique.

Check-In Session (approx. 1 – 1.5hr):

This session will be between 7 – 10 days after the beginning of your practice. We will discuss your progress with the practice, and whether there has been any resistance or blockages. If resistance arises, I may feel called to do an intuitive healing on you to assist you with shifting this so that you can engage with the practice on a deeper level.

Final Session (approx. 1 hr):

This session will be held after your practice duration, so if you intended to have a 21-day practice, this session will be conducted at the end of the 21 days. We will once again enter the sacred space formally, then close it and reflect on your journey. If required, you will receive further guidance from me during this final session.

For an additional cost, you can also be initiated into Vedic Meditation, which will strongly support your journey of healing and awakening.

What are the benefits of this offering and why should I consider doing it?

  • Regulating your nervous system by activating your vagus nerve.
  • A deeper connection to your intuition and your Higher Self.
  • A deeper connection to your heart space.
  • Releasing old patterns and conditioning.
  • Releasing the energy of trauma stored in the body.
  • Finding a sense of calmness and belonging.
  • More clarity and focus in life and everyday situations.
  • Being more present.